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  • User Groups, Adoption & Onboarding, Community

User Groups, Adoption & Onboarding, Community

Hi all, quick question:

Do you want to participate in CMAweekly run User Groups?

If so, vote here or DM me your answer.

Help Taylor: What specific topic do you want to discuss - answer here.


Here is Jeni Asaba’s recording from Friday - we discussed the Intersection of Community & Advocacy and all of the opportunities with these two coming together.

Top Discussions in CMAweekly

Get subject line help - what do you use as an email subject?

Contribute to CMAweekly

If you’ve found support in the CMAweekly community, now is a great time to give back.

Become a Contributor - message me or respond to this email to see how you can create content, host calls, or write a course to help your fellow CMAs.

Contribute Financially - you can purchase my course or contribute on Kofi (I’m currently working with Sponsors to finalize contracts, so far it’s a slow process).