sooo much new CMA content

The advocacy tech portal, dozens of new resources added to the resource directory, and blog posts.

Hi!! I’ve finally been able to push out some great content, please enjoy!

Next week, I’ll send the end of the month newsletter with all of the best content, discussions, events, and takeaways from September.

For now, dig in!


The beta version of the Advocacy Tech Portal is ready for new visitors.

Inside, I’ve included:

  • a Vendor Scorecard template

  • a list of limitations to consider in your search

  • a list of questions to ask customer references

  • a short guide on choosing your next vendor

Updated Doc/Template/Script Resource Directory

Resource Directory

I’ve updated the Resource directory with shares from the past year, dozens of new items have been added.

CMAweekly Blog, New Recordings & Top Quotes

New on the CMAweekly Blog

I’ve started bringing more over to the CMAweekly blog.

This week, I’ve included top quotes from calls with:

Patrick Kalie (#70: Leveraging Events for Adoption & ROI) and

Katlin Hess (#82 - last Friday - Generating Reviews & Maximizing Their Usage in the Buyer’s Journey)

You can read their top quotes and watch the videos from their calls on the blog.

A New tool I’m using (paid) is Vizard.

I’ll be going through our youtube videos and making shorts. Vizard makes this easy by finding the best parts of your video to share and resizes the video with a focus on the speaker’s face.

I think you’ll like it.

Upcoming Events

Starting next Friday we are going to host CAP Award winners with Captivate Collective. We’ll be hearing their stories and learning from their award-winning experiences.


Everyone loves the conference and has a blast. If you can make it, I hear it’s going to be the event of the season 🙂 

CMAweekly members can get 20% off with code: CMAweekly20

(unfortunately, I won’t make it this year - again).

All Resources

Please remember to check out for new content and events.

Subscribe to events on 

Follow CMAweekly on LinkedIn 

Watch past recordings on Youtube 

And, visit our sponsors who are always doing wonderful things: