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  • Conference, Sales Alignment, New Course, & Customer Lifecycle

Conference, Sales Alignment, New Course, & Customer Lifecycle

Welcome back, you’re here if you’ve joined the CMAweekly or Club CX Slack, membersite, events, or newsletter. 😁


TOMORROW: Mastering Sales Alignment with Liz Oseguera is hosting the Club CX masterclass (everyone is invited to join) Friday 10/13 (tomorrow) at 2PM EST - zoom link is here https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82348900767 I’ve gone through the call with Liz already and you are going to love this, I hope you’ll join.

Every Friday!! Back to Weekly Open Discussions Starting next week 10/20/23 we are back to Fridays at 2PM EST register/subscribe here!

My New Cohort/Course: Advocacy Growth through Community Strategies

AND: Next Friday I’m sharing some of my new course: Driving Advocacy Growth with the Power of a Community-Centric Strategies

I’ll cover 3 Community-Centric ideas to help you drive advocacy growth across reviews, references, and customer stories. 

The course will start Nov 1 and goes through Feb (because of the holiday season). It is available as just the course (available Nov 1) in the FAQs on the course page.

Next week, in Boston, the SlapFive team is hosting Customer X Con. Several community members will be there attending: Rachel Ward, Lauren Stefano, Alyse Chiariello, Joel Primack, Ciana, Daniel Palay, Lauren Turner, Emily Amos, Shannon Howard, Alexie Glover, Rebecca Grossman, and Alison Bukowski.

I won’t be there, it just didn’t work out this year 😔 but someday we will meet IRL.

Captivate Collective on Advocacy & Lifecycle

Liz Richardson shared a thorough look at Customer Advocacy & Lifecycle Marketing on LinkedIn this week and it was 🔥

Recordings You Shouldn’t Miss

Captivate Collective’s Talk Advocacy to Me: Global Scope of Customer Advocacy with Evan Jacobs

Free Career Coaching in last Friday’s call from Claudia Miller. She covers writing a resume for women on the rise in tech. She covered a number of interview suggestions as well. If you are looking for work, please check this out!

Speaking About the Customer Journey

I enjoyed this post and graphic from Full Funnel shared on LinkedIn. While it only covers the journey leading up to purchase (so maybe it should be called the prospect journey), it’s good to get an idea of a customer’s entire lifecycle.

CMA Job Market Update

I’ve had a few people reach out to ask how the job market seems for our space. Here’s what I’ve seen:

TONS of applications - new job posts are seeing a lot of applicants for 1 position, 1000+ for example.

Jobs not getting listed publicly at all - Companies don’t want to sift through applicants themselves.

More people being hired/ More job openings - I’ve seen what appears to be more job openings, and more successful hires posting on LinkedIn


If you are still looking, update your network regularly (DM/email) posting on LinkedIn won’t reach enough people, but it is helpful to stay top of mind.

Connect with others in the space, meet new people, get active in the community by asking and answering questions.

Finally, check back into the community to connect and learn from others!