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  • #11 Top tweaks, 5 slacks?, Tubi, & References program

#11 Top tweaks, 5 slacks?, Tubi, & References program

Why are there 5 Customer Marketing/Advocacy Slack groups?

Since I’m asked a lot. I’ll share: I started the CMAweekly slack in December 2022 as a space that isn’t vendor owned - please join to chat with us. We sent almost 500 messages last week (DMs included)

I used to manage the HubSpot-owned Customer Marketing slack, I wanted to create a space where the members had more control - you can still visit that one here.

Customer Marketing Alliance has one here. There’s an old Customer Marketing slack that has a few posts a month. And SlapFive has one - reach out to Dana or Kaily to get an invite. 😀

Upcoming Events:

Today: CMA+ Roundtable for Customer Marketers & Advocacy pros with 6 or more years of experience lu.ma/cmaplus

Thursday: Expansion with/ Rachel Ward - Super popular topic

Top Tweaks:

Invite EMEA customers to NAM CABs - the differences between the users’ experiences ensures CAB members walk away with new perspectives & strategies to implement. (Robin RS)

Have your own CRM to collect data for scaling - Salesforce is messy, and you want to collect data that isn’t always stored there. Collect preferences on topics, messaging (LinkedIn, Email, Direct Message), technology used, Advocacy types, and more. (Mary G)

Offer a free video for the customer to use - Your customer might appreciate a free video for their own purposes/website in exchange for giving a quote/testimonial. Ask them. (Lissette P)

Trending: CABs - all of the communities had the topic come up. Wings 4 u launched their CABs workbook, and we had an interesting CABs/User Groups call in CMAweekly. DM for resources if you need them.


Funny Superbowl moment: As I watched with my 2 oldest and husband, the Tubi commercial came on. My oldest and I started looking around for the remote, looked at the dogs to see if one of them stepped on it, we moved in our seats to see if we could find it. My husband and other son started dying laughing at us, because they knew it was a commercial. SMH (if you have insights on the psychology of why only 2 of us were duped, I’d love to hear it.)

Top Content

Chelsea Roberts - Visual Resume - You have to stand out in the job search, what better way than a downloadable LinkedIn carousel? Chelsea has even made a template (look in her latest activity) for others to use.

DON’T MISS: Emily Smith shared a walkthrough of the ServiceTitan reference program. This was an extremely thorough call of a mature program. Slides. Zoom video/chat Passcode: h@ugY6q6.

See you all in the communities this week!